Top 10 Learning Videos on our YouTube Channel

When it comes to video content, YouTube is king. In an average month, 8 out of 10 18-49 year olds watch YouTube. It’s also the second largest search engine after Google, and a mind-blowing 400 hours of content are uploaded every minute!

For many people, YouTube is a place to watch music videos, keep updated with trends, sports, news and much more. It’s also a place for learning. In fact, there are over a billion views of learning videos on YouTube every single day. 

Our YouTube channel is turbocharged with learning videos hosted by our very own L&D expert, Juliette Denny. They’re micro, they’re impactful and they teach you everything you could want to know about the world of Learning and Development. 

From gamification to motivation and neuroscience; here’s our top 10 learning videos from our channel for you to devour again and again!

1. How to Create Motivation Using Self-Determination Theory

Self Determination Theory is the brainchild of psychologists Richard Ryan and Edward Deci. They identified the key ingredients needed for intrinsic human motivation.

It’s the secret sauce that helps people enjoy exercise, motivates them to complete a video game in record time and even pushes them to fall in love with learning! Join Juliette as she delves into how to create motivation in your training using Self-Determination Theory.

2. How to Combat The Forgetting Curve

Herman Ebbinghaus was a German psychologist who pioneered the study of memory. He discovered that the information we are taught will almost always be forgotten, unless it’s reinforced. He called this theory The Forgetting Curve

In order to ensure knowledge sticks and that you change behaviour, we need to reinforce knowledge little and often. In this video, Juliette discusses the best ways in which to achieve this. 

3. What Does the 70:20:10 Model Tell us about Learning?

The 70:20:10 Model has had a huge impact on learning technologies. 

NextGen LMSs have incorporated it by focusing on the social side of things.

The model was first created in the 1980s by three researchers working for The Centre for Creative Leadership, namely; Morgan Mcall, Micheal M. Lombardo, and Robert A. Eichinger. The trio were researching the key developmental experiences that drove successful managers. 

But what are the intricate details? And what does informal learning mean? Let Juliette give you the lowdown…

4. How to Form a Learning Habit Using The Hook Model

Driving behaviour change across your organisation is no easy task. Providing your learners with the right level of motivation will get you started, but forming a habit will keep you going. Ultimately, if you embed a behaviour as a habit, then you’ve created the change you want to see. 

This brings us to The Hook Model, a theory created by entrepreneur, investor and author Nir Eyal in his 2004 book, ‘Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products.’ 

Watch Juliette as she delves into the significance of The Hook Model:

5. What’s the Difference Between a Native App and a Responsive Site?

If you’re not thinking about a mobile phone strategy, then you’re not in touch with your learners! This is why it’s really important to understand the difference between a responsive LMS and a native app and what the benefits are for each approach.. In this video, Juliette explores the difference between a native app and a responsive site. 

6. What Are the Seven Top Learning Tech Use Cases?

Many organisations are reluctant to make the switch from traditional learning to online training because they aren’t sure if it will deliver the right ROI. Finding a learning technology solution that allows them to develop, deliver and monitor their L&D initiatives requires a significant amount of research and resources. 

Here, Juliette details seven of the top learning technology use cases, from employee training to higher education. They’re all there to back your case! 

7. Gamification vs Game-based Learning: What’s the Difference?

There seems to be some confusion over the difference between gamification and game-based learning. Well, the confusion stops here! Gamification is the use of game mechanics in non-gaming scenarios there to improve engagement by encouraging participation. Game-based learning is an approach to learning that utilises full games (not just their mechanics) to hammer home designated learning objectives. But that’s just skimming the surface!

Join Juliette as she clears up a thing or two:

8. How to Create a Knowledge-sharing Culture

At the core of every successful business is a knowledge-sharing culture. But is it easy to cultivate? With the baby-boomer brain drain phenomenon and the millennial job-hopping trend, the harmful effects of knowledge loss within organisations is becoming more and more evident. This is why it’s so crucial to invest in your workforce and build your intellectual capital. Here, Juliette discusses the importance of social learning, and how to create a knowledge-sharing culture. 

9. How to Apply Game Mechanics to Learning Technology Solutions

Growth Engineering use game mechanics to drive learner engagement across our technology solutions. But which game mechanics are used, and why are they so effective?

We have carefully selected a group of game mechanics to engage learners. These include virtual badges, experience points (XP), leaderboards, levels and much more. We also use streaks, scorecards, and Battles

In this video, Juliette explains how game mechanics work and the neuroscience behind why it’s so effective. 

10. What is B. J. Fogg’s Behaviour Model?

B.J. Fogg leads the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University. He and his team research human behaviour and how you can influence it to achieve business goals. This might seem like a huge question, but one of the main purposes of L&D is behaviour change, so it’s worth getting to grips with it!

With B. J. Fogg’s Behaviour Change Model at the ready, you’ll be transforming your organisation and engaging learners in no time! 

Final Words

These videos cover some of the most important topics in learning and development, all from our very own industry expert: Juliette Denny. Whether it’s finding out the intricate details of game mechanics, or finally discovering what B. J. Fogg’s Behaviour Model is all about, we’ve got you covered. Conveniently, these lessons are clubbed together with many more on our YouTube Playlist: Juliette’s Learning Tribe

Want to know more about B.J Fogg’s Behaviour Change Model and the details of behaviour change?  

Download our guide: Guide to the Science of Behaviour Change here! 

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