Infographic Resources

The Transformative Power of eLearning Infographic
Discover the power of eLearning with our infographic! Unveil key statistics on market size, effectiveness, and AI’s growing impact. Download now!

Wellbeing Week Infographic
Discover the importance of prioritizing mental health with our infographic. Learn about activities that promote wellbeing and reduce stress, based on a survey of Growth Engineering members. Find out how frequently these activities are engaged

Environmental Benefits of Online Learning Infographic
Environmental Benefits of Online Learning The Greener Way To Learn Did you know that if nothing changes, we will need almost three Earth’s worth of natural resources by 2050 to sustain the way we are

The Neurotransmitters Of Learning
The Neurotransmitters Of Learning And Gamification Why Gamification Is Your Secret Weapon Your brain sends hundreds of trillions of messages across different neural pathways every second. These messages are transmitted by chemical messengers known as

Appetite for Instruction The Case for Learning Apps
Appetite for Instruction The Case for Learning Apps App-solutely Fabulous Most of us agree that mobile learning is a good thing. But there’s a big difference between learning through a responsive LMS and learning through

Informal Learning: Supercharge Your Approach
Informal Learning: The Way We’re Wired To Learn Supercharge Your Approach & Embracing Continuous Learning Informal learning is a part of human nature. We’re all learning all the time, but it’s not often in a

Shaking Things Up Transforming Your Organization
Organisational Change: Unleashing Superheroes! Shaking Things Up & Transforming Your Organization. Supercharge Your Approach & Embracing Continuous Learning Your company culture is important. After all, your employees are more likely to engage with their work

Your Engagement Strategy Infographic
Your Engagement Strategy Infographic How To Win the War Against Dull Online Learning! Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to save the 87% of employees who aren’t engaged at work. Don’t worry,

The Neuroscience Of Learner Engagement
The Neuroscience Of Learner Engagement A Research-backed Approach to Learning The more studies delve into the deep workings of the human brain, the more we realise just how complex it is. Here at Growth Engineering,