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3 zippy ways to speed up eLearning production


eLearning Production is a task that brings joy and inspiration to learners across the world.

It’s Monday morning. You arrive at work after a relaxing weekend with your batteries fully charged and a look of sheer determination in your eyes. “This week,” you say to yourself, “I’m going to make a real difference to some lucky learners.”

But once you sit down at your desk and look at your to-do list, the volume of work in front of you is dauntingly huge. How can you change your learners’ lives if you just don’t have the time or the tools?

Don’t panic guys! There’s a solution to every problem, and the challenge of producing eLearning on time is no different. Before diving head-first into your huge workload, take five minutes to read our top tips for speeding up your eLearning production!

Three Tips to Speed up eLearning Production

Tip 1: Collaborate

It’s great that you want to change your learners’ lives and give them an experience that engages them, but you can’t expect to do it all by yourself! Every superhero finds themselves working with others to bring down the forces of darkness, no matter how reluctantly. Maybe you’re another lone ranger, a renegade on the fringes – but think about how much easier it would be to enlist the help of other experts.

Collaboration in eLearning is essential to delivering your projects on time. You could have the most advanced eLearning in the world and a budget the size of a small country, but it’ll count for nothing if nobody on the team knows what anybody else is doing.

With the rise in cloud-based applications, there’s never been a better choice of collaboration tools. Whether you create a notebook in Evernote, or make use of Trello’s Kanban boards, your team should agree on an online project management solution that works for everyone.

If you’re still at a loss on what to do next, follow the link for a few winning tips to boost collaboration in your eLearning production!

Why not let your imagination off the leash completely? What if your eLearning production tool had a built-in project management capability? Hold that thought…

Tip 2: Use templates

Learning Games Article #2Whenever a car manufacturer designs a new car, they don’t first sit down to design a wheel. We’ve had wheels for a long time. When it comes to wheels, we’re good. The traditional car template has four wheels and that’s worked pretty well up until now.

It’s the same for eLearning. Through trial and error and decades of successes and failures, we know what works well and what doesn’t. From experience, we’ve collected a library of features that good eLearning should have, from the individual screen-types down to the overall UI.

With an eLearning template, you don’t have to expend development resources and valuable time on building every unit from the ground up. All you need to do is populate that template with the relevant information and you have an ace piece of eLearning in a fraction of the time!

Still, there’s always room for improvement. You should always be looking for new ways to engage your learners. Maybe they’d much rather be playing a game than taking a HR Policy quiz. Who says they can’t do both? More on that later!

Tip 3: Keep organised

assets2Even with an online project management tool and a killer eLearning template, there’s no excuse for sloppiness. Think for a moment – how many hours of your time have been lost because someone misplaced some essential assets?

When you’re looking for ways to improve the efficiency of your eLearning production, it’s not enough to find tools that make the individual processes faster. You need to examine what you’re doing right now and to look for the cracks in the floorboards.

Asset management is just as important as project management. One way to avoid unforeseen delays is to keep your images, videos and audio files in the same location. Make sure everybody knows where this location is and they have the required permissions to update the files.

In conclusion, you need a project management tool, a tool for building engaging eLearning from templates and an asset management tool. On top of that, all of these tools have to be 100% collaborative so that your team members have full visibility over the project.

GENIE2_BIGGIFIn a perfect world, you would just have one tool that does all of these things, but surely that’s just wishful thinking…

Not at all! Genie is a game-based eLearning authoring tool that’s built on collaboration. With Genie, you can manage your whole team and choose from a library of awesome games to create your eLearning around.

With this powerful tool at your fingertips, the learner engagement that you dream of on Monday morning will be a reality by Friday.

Give it a shot for yourself and start your free 30-day demo today!

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