10 Soft Skills Courses Feature Image

10 Soft Skills Courses for Your Team

Learn From Legends, Master Soft Skills

Learn from the best. These courses leverage the timeless wisdom of legendary figures to teach in-demand skills.
Steve Jobs - Business Skills Unit

Steve Jobs’

Guide to Presentation Skills

Mary Poppins - Organisational Skills Unit

Mary Poppins’

Guide to Organisational Skills

Sherlock Holmes - Problem solving Skills Unit

Sherlock Holmes’

Guide to Problem Solving Skills

Warren Buffet - Negotiation Skills Unit

Warren Buffet’s

Guide to Negotiation Skills

William Shakespeare - Written Communication Skills Unit

William Shakespeare’s

Guide to Written Communication Skills

The Apollo 13 Crew - Collaboration Skills Unit

The Apollo 13 Crew’s

Guide to Collaboration Skills

Oprah Winfrey - Interpersonal Skills Unit

Oprah Winfrey’s

Guide to Interpersonal Skills

Winston Churchill - Leadership Skills Unit

Winston Churchill’s

Guide to Leadership Skills

Magnus Carlsen - Time Management Skills Unit

Magnus Carlsen’s

Guide to Time Management Skills

Jane Goodall - Adaptability Skills Unit

Jane Goodall’s

Guide to Adaptability Skills

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